There is a new version of the TinyMod. TinyMod5 is nearly the same as TinyMod4. The difference is that there are two more slide switches for choosing a communication protocol, and new firmware to take advantage of the new switches.
What's new?
Each TinyMod5 comes with four protocols that can be chosen by moving the slider switches. You no longer need to reboot the TinyMod to have the change recognized.
This is a protocol meant to be used with Plover. The TinyMod pretends to be an NKRO keyboard and Plover treats it as such. No drivers are needed. Very simple. Unfortunately in this mode your regular keyboard is also treated as a steno keyboard, so you need to toggle Plover off and on to be able to switch between your regular keyboard and your TinyMod.
Gemini PR
A serial protocol meant to be used with professional CAT software also works with Plover. Depending on your operating system, you may have to install a serial driver to get this to work. But this mode allows you to move back and forth from TinyMod to regular keyboard without having to change anything in Plover. This can be pretty handy for a beginner, or really anybody. This one works with Eclipse CAT software, I'm told.
TX Bolt
Another serial protocol for professional CAT software. This one works with CaseCAT, I'm told, but otherwise you probably won't need it.
A to Z
There is a class given by the NCRA (national court reporter's association) to introduce beginners to the steno alphabet. The A-Z mode is meant to be used with this class. Its output is a line for each stroke that looks like the paper tape on a professional steno machine. Write into a word processor or text editor in this mode to see the "paper tape".
The Rest
With three switches there are, of course, 8 possible positions. That would mean 8 possible protocols. So far I only have those four, so the last switch is mostly unused for now. There is one switch setting that puts the keyboard into a test mode, but you wouldn't get much out of that mode.
I'm making the sale prices permanent now. $140 for the stock model, $180 for the quiet model with the light springs swapped in.
Everything else is the same. Email me if you want to buy one. Tell me which model and give me your shipping address so that I can know how much to charge for shipping. If you're not in the USA then please also give me a phone number for the customs form. I'll send you a PayPal invoice then. I'll try to keep you informed by email about how long it'll take to make and test your keyboard and get it in the mail.
Please let me know in comments if there is anything else you'd like to know about TinyMod.
Hello! Had some questions about if the TinyMod would work with CaseCAT software. If I understand correctly since there are 8 protocols there potentially could be? Would love to know to get the word out there!